The second step in making your Will

The second step is to establish what you want to do especially if you have kids. For a couple, there are two scenarios. The first part would be if something happened to one of them and the second part would be if anything happened to the both of them. If people have kids, the biggest thing is who looks [...]

What to do when someone dies – James McNulty Solicitors Omagh

What to do when someone dies When a loved one dies, and you are the next of kin, there are legal formalities that must be dealt with. Cathal Murray, wills and probate lawyer at James McNulty & Co. Solicitors Omagh explains what you should do. Registering a death Your first duty is to [...]

Valuing an estate for probate

When someone dies, all the assets in the estate will need to be valued as early possible for two key reasons. Firstly, an estate valuation must be provided to the probate court before probate will be granted. Secondly, any inheritance tax (IHT) due will need to be calculated and a payment made. In simple terms, IHT is calculated by [...]

Dementia Friends Training

We Support Dementia Friends! James McNulty & Co Solicitors are pleased to announce that we have recently updated our Dementia Friends training, an Alzheimer's Society initiative which encourages people to understand what it is like to live with dementia and turn that understanding into action. This valuable training ensures that we can communicate much better with our clients [...]

Wills & probate. How to choose an executor to administer your estate when you die.

Wills & probate How to choose an executor to administer your estate when you die When making your will you need to appoint at least one executor who will be responsible for the important task of dealing with your estate on your death.  Deciding who to appoint is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to [...]

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