Quick guide to applying for probate

How to apply for a grant of probate If someone you know has died and you have been asked to deal with their affairs, you need to be able to prove that you have the legal right to do this.  Otherwise, you will run into difficulties when trying to access their bank accounts or sell their property and [...]

Wills and Probate

Wills and Probate Why appointing a guardian for your children brings peace of mind The possibility of both you and your partner dying while your children are still under 18 verges on the unthinkable but, however unlikely this situation might seem, it is important that you make provision for it in your will. Unless you have given specific instructions, children [...]

Claiming your rightful inheritance

Claiming your rightful inheritance If a loved one, or someone you were financially dependent on, has died and either left you out of their will entirely or failed to make adequate financial provision for you, then it may be possible for you to get the terms of the will varied so that appropriate provision is made. This may also [...]

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