Challenging a dubious will where you suspect coercion

We all have the right to leave our money and property to whoever we please when we die, but the decisions we make must be arrived at freely and without undue influence from family, friends or others who hope to secure an inheritance. Unfortunately, with elder abuse and oppression of the vulnerable on the rise, there are hundreds of [...]

What does an Executor do?

Few people realise how complicated and time-consuming Executor’s duties are. Furthermore, mistakes in obtaining probate and/or administering an estate can lead to destructive family disputes and leave the Executor personally liable if a claim is commenced in court. By entrusting us to advise and represent you, you can be confident that your duties as an Executor are performed correctly. [...]

Christmas is a time for giving (and inheritance planning)

Christmas is a time for giving and if you are struggling for ideas about what to give your nearest and dearest and you are keen to reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax paid to HM Treasury when you die, you might want to talk to your solicitor about how to give away money and assets tax-efficiently. Shauna Allison solicitor [...]

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